Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Next steps

Sunday's sermon (10/3) was from Daniel 6:10, titled, "An Unshakeable Faith in a Shaky World." What are the "next steps" God will have us take in response to the Word we heard?
"May we receive the word we hear each in an honest heart
And keep the precious treasure there, and never with it part."
1. Daniel is described as having an "excellent spirit" in v. 3, meaning he was not only gifted, he was also trustworthy and loyal. Do you think of yourself that way? Do others think of you that way, or are there areas where you need to improve or change the perception of yourself?
2. Daniel continued praying when faced with the prospect of the lion's dead. How strong is your prayer life? What brings you to prayer, or keeps you from praying?
3. Does it bother you that people are looking at you? Consider this and think about how the "conspirators" (v. 4-7) were looking at Daniel.
4. Do you trust that God is looking out for you in the face of the "lions" (i.e., chaos)?
5. What questions/thoughts/convictions were raised in your mind after hearing this sermon or reading this passage? How is God speaking to you now?

"Let truth, the light of my heart, speak to me, and not my own darkness!"
Augustine, Confessons, Book XII, Chapter 11

"Teach me, O Lord, the way of your statutes, and I will observe it to the end. Give me understanding, that I may keep your law and observe it with my whole heart."
Psalm 119:33-34

Pastor Kenneth Q. James

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